Study Category: Presentations
Postural Orthostatic
Complex GI Issues
Missed medical diagnosis in CHARGE Syndrome – POTS, Migraine Cyclical vomiting and more
The guts in CHARGE syndrome_Presentation
Gastrointestinal Issues
CHARGE 101 Hobart
Airway and Anesthesia risk
Complex Care Medical Seminar 1 April 2020
Gastrointestinal issues in CHARGE syndrome
Gastrointestinal issues in CHARGE syndrome: Does your gut talk to you?
Gastrointestinal-issues-in-CHARGE-syndromeGastrointestinal (GI) and feeding difficulties
Gastrointestinal (GI) and feeding difficulties in CHARGE syndrome; the guts of it.
Gastrointestinal-Professional-Day-PowerPointAirway and Anesthesia risk for individuals
Airway and Anesthesia risk for individuals with CHARGE Syndrome
How can you advocate for best practice?
Airway-and-Anesthesia-risk-for-individuals-with-CHARGE-PP-2DCPrato 2019 Presentation
Learning to take a sexual history in the Pediatric population: A Canadian medical school clinical skills curriculum
SH-Power-Point-slides-Prato-2019CCME 2019 Presentation
Learning to take a sexual history in the Pediatric population
Alexandra Hudson MD, PGY1 Pediatrics, University of Alberta
Kim Blake MBBS FRCPC, Professor of Pediatrics, Dalhousie University