14th Biennial CHARGE Syndrome Conference
Hobart 3-5 April, 2020
There will be a number of specialists from Australia and overseas presenting on a range of topics from the latest in medical issues, behaviour and education for individuals with CHARGE. There will also be a range of presentations on topics designed to support and strengthen the family unit such as support for siblings, parent/carer self care, grief and cyber safety.
Conferences not only provide an opportunity to broaden our knowledge on CHARGE but most importantly it is an amazing opportunity to connect with peers that are travelling the same journey as us. Whether it be individuals with CHARGE meeting others who understand and relate to the challenges and joys they face daily. Whether it is parents and carers meeting others who who have travelled these paths before, are travelling them now and being able to connect with those that ‘get it’. Whether its siblings meeting others who know what it is like to live with a brother or sister with CHARGE. Or whether it is specialists, allied health staff, teachers, support workers being able to network, meet other specialists and share tips and tricks, knowledge and wisdom.
Whatever the situation, the networking and support that you will encounter at a CHARGE conference is unmatched.
For more information Click here